Dear Fat People Video Response

Culture, life, Thoughts

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An open letter to Nicole Arbour and her Youtube video ‘Dear Fat People’:

Dear Nicole Arbour,

You may never read this or anyone for that matter but I would like to tell you about myself. I am a 180 pound, 5’0 foot, gluten-free(not by choice), swim team coach, cheerleader, and healthy young woman. I wear my health and fitness Misfit watch with pride. I also just finished a smoothie that contained: Kale(whole), charred leaves, beet root, 2 bananas, an apple, and blueberries. I got my daily dose of vegetables and fruits which I eat everyday. My question is: Am I Fat To You?

I have been bullied most of my life for my weight. I was the child that never quite lost all their baby fat. I was bigger than the other girls. I developed breasts before everyone else. I grew faster than everyone and people took notice. As you previously read I am 5’0 foot so all my fat is condensed into a short body and not spread out like yours. I don’t have the, what you Nicole may call, “luxury” of a tall body. Obviously my insecurity is my weight. I have no clue Nicole Arbour what your insecurity is but I know you have some. I can see it. You say in your video “I’m the one with all the bags”. Yes Nicole, You Do Have Bag(gages)s. With just your physical appearance alone I can tell you are trying to hide something. I won’t call you out like you call every “fat” person out. I will simply put it this way: At your age you should know by now that we all deal with something in our lives that we try to manage. You should be old enough to know that it is not right to bully people. You can have heart problems, diabetes, and many other health conditions at any weight, even if you’re skinny. You can “affect your health” no matter how you look. You may have a disease right now that even you don’t know about. You say in the video, “eat right and exercise” then tell the story about the airport in which you say,” I didn’t have enough time to get my Starbucks”. I hope you know that drinking that cup of sugar does nothing for your body. If you want to tell people to be healthy then you say that I drink Starbucks you basically are saying the opposite of what to do.

I have something to say that is my own bomb truth: Hair dye and fake nails destroy your hair and nails! You are literally destroying your body(I said this sarcastically).

BTW, I just have to say that you aren’t a natural blond so you can’t make blond jokes by saying that a blond has to give you this “information”.

Let me leave you with a few quotes:

“Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people” -Eleanor Roosevelt

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind”

“Be Kind. Be kind. Be kind.”

XX Corinne

Things Get In The Way…

Art, Etsy, life, Photography, School Stuff
My sister and her friend at their last swim meet of the season.

My sister and her friend at their last swim meet of the season.

Go YMCA Tiger Sharks!

Go YMCA Tiger Sharks!

Yup... I'm doing cheer.

Yup… I’m doing cheer.

My business card for ETSY

My business card for ETSY

My latest painting... This was a monster to make.

My latest painting… This was a monster to make.

Things get in the way of things. You can’t get away from life when it smacks you in the face. Yes, I didn’t finish my daily photo challenge. The mom on the show The Middle is basically me… I can’t finish somethings I start. Things in my life got in the way(hint: the photos at the top). The swim team I coach for started their spring/fall season, I got wrapped up in my summer day job besides coaching, I got excited for cheer at my school, I started my Etsy store, I got on E-Board on student council as artist and got all my paintings on there, created a monster painting which I will talk about later, and started senior year of highschool.

Life got out of hand( reference to my painting collection that I m currently working on). I created a collection of paintings that I named “Helping Hands”. You can find me on Etsy and Instagram in the above picture. I am very excited for this collection. It is a way for me to show relationships between hands. Some paintings are social statements while others are just things I created out of joy. The above painting ins’t on my store because I’m not ready to let it go into the world. It’s my baby that I created.

This is a poem that I started to write that I thought I would share and leave this blog post on a… funny note:

Only A Flower

by Corinne Roe

Only a flower with a yellow center

Surrounded with white petals

Laid on the dirty ground.

It sat there, wilting.

It was left by the girl

Who had been sitting on the lonely bench.

She had picked the flower

When she was walking,

Thinking about how the long day had gone.

She remembered the boys teasing her

About the way she looked.

Thoughts about how she looked

Filled her mind all day.

“Am I beautiful?”

This question echoed in her mind, rattling her thoughts.

“Why am I not enough?”

She fretted and pined till her mind was strung out.

The girl looked down at the flower.

It was beautiful to her.

Across the park she saw

A group of boys stomping on the flowers.

She realized something…

Boys are dumb.

She d




                                   s the flower.

XX Corinne

Long Time No See

Etsy, life, Photography

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Yup. It’s been a while since the last time I wrote. Life takes us in many different ways. I decided to write again because I miss it. No, this wasn’t my New Years Resolution.
The above pictures are from my Instagram account. I love taking pictures with my camera. We got a new dog for Christmas and named her Stella. She is the cutest dog ever. I got the elephant lights for Christmas and put them in my bathroom. The soft lights are better than bright lights when you wake up in the morning. Dream catchers are beautiful. This one in particularly! The purple is just lovely.

This is just a quick post and have more to come! XX Corinne

October 1st

life, Louisiana, Thoughts


October is the month that officially starts fall for me. It is now time for cider, boots, and wind. I hope fall in Louisiana will be cool this year. Not freezing so that you can’t grip trick or treat candy, but cool enough to were you need a sweater and boots. I heard people up north already are wearing thick sweaters and jeans! My mom started buying pumpkins September 1st so you know we love fall. Fall is so magical. It isn’t cold cold like winter but it isn’t sweltering like summer. This summer has been particularly hot this year. It has sucked. I hate the heat. Shivering is better than sweating. Fall colors are gorgeous. The ground turns red, orange, yellow, and brown from the leaves. Fall is a comforting time of the year. I hate being scared so I leave the haunted houses to my friends but other than the scare factor I love fall.
I hope to get lots of Twix candy at Halloween! 😊

What is your favorite part of Fall?
XX Corinne

Life Of A Lifeguard

Challenge, Culture, life, Photography, Thoughts


Like everyone who has a job instead of a career, I sometimes absolutely hate my job. I would much rather be sketching or reading about fashion instead of either sitting in the heat or sitting in the rain. Every job comes with things we don’t like. Being a lifeguard means:
Fighting for the chair with other lifeguards.
Losing your temper.
Miss communication with the patrons as well as other staff.
Having nosy staff members try to find mistakes in your department.
Going home with a headache.
Getting underpaid.
The stress of the potential that someone may become in distress.
Being a lifeguard at a pool gets a bad rap because people think that all lifeguards don’t pay attention. Well, I’m here to say that that’s not true.
There are also good things about my job:
You do eventually get paid.
You meet new people.
You can help people.
You meet people who may become your new best friend who also works there.
You get into the real world and see what it is like.
Like I said, I would rather be making art or designing but I could not see myself do any other job right now to make money. Standing for 5 hours is not my ideal day but it is awesome to hear people say, “Man you got tan”.
What is a job you did in high school?
XX Corinne

Highlights In Your Hair

Culture, life, Makeup, Photography, Thoughts


It’s no wonder what the sun does to your body in summer:
Highlights appear in your hair
Your skin darkens or turns red
More brown spots appear
Some people that I know put lemon juice in their hair to get the same effect as they would if they sat out in the sun all day in summer. The lemons may turn your hair to straw though.
My parents are always the type of parents to say no to changing your body in anyway except by exercising which means I was never allowed to:
Dye my hair
Get a second piercing in my ear
Get colored extensions
Now while some people may not think that these are terrible things to get or do, my parent did. As the older I have gotten the more I see they were right. I see kids my age getting their hair dyed and have it come out awful. Extensions that are neon colored was cute when you were a preteen but at our age, you just look silly. I still want my second piercing but that will have to wait until I’m out of the house. 😉
I love and hate the summer.
☀️ I hate the sun because it only burns my nose which is a very sensitive place to burn.
I love summer because highlights always appear in my hair naturally. I don’t have to go to the salon and have the possibility that they don’t look right.
What is your favorite thing about summer?
XX Corinne

The Dread

Culture, Fashion, life, Thoughts


As a girl I know the dread of buying a new bathing suit. One bathing suit fits to big or to small. The top won’t cover enough. The bottom is to baggy. Ugh, the torture of just stepping out of the car and knowing you won’t find the right one. The mirrors in the dressing room don’t make you look any better either. You either have to pay to much just for it to fit or to little and it’s gone in one month. Our body image affects everything we do. How we hold our selves, what we buy, what we say. Self confidence is the one thing most females struggle with. Most of us have had a meat head come up to us and say something about our body. But honestly there comes a point in your life when you have to stop caring about what someone says. Our body is what most of our life revolves around as a woman. Our body determines whether we get a job, if our favorite top will fit us, or if our crush will date us. Society is the most controversial thing. It says love your body but only if you look a certain way.
I’ve learned one thing in life: If you feel beautiful then you are beautiful. All you can really do is eat healthy(most of the time 😉), workout, and pick clothes that flatter your figure. You can’t change the way you were born. It is my opinion that God didn’t find anything wrong with you when he made you.
XX Corinne

The Beauty

Culture, life, Photography, Thoughts


For my final exam for my AP exam I can write a paper about religion vs. nature. And this is some of what I have to say on the matter
The beauty of life is very extraordinary. Not everyone can see the beauty in life. As humans we have a responsibility to protect nature. If you have a religious indication then you may know that God made the land before he made man. We are here to protect the creatures and the plants. We also have the right to move forward in technology but to what extent does that go to? Why do we as humans stomp around because we are the most powerful? If there was a more powerful force in the world besides us we would be in natures place. We would be praying to be saved and protected. We don’t teach our kids to protect nature. If you plant a seed of knowledge in the fertile mind of a child you will grow a tree of knowledge because after all “knowledge is power”. Children of this generation can either make us or break us. Our children and our children’s children will have to fend for themselves because our generation only thought of greed and products. Yes, material is out there to make a profit but is that profit always worth it? We have the resources to be ecofriendly but all we see is the expense. What about the expense when there are no resources?
I could talk about this issue for a long time. What are your thoughts on religion vs. nature?
XX Corinne

What I’m Up To

Art, Culture, Etsy, House, life, Photography, School Stuff, Thoughts




Hey guys! I have been so busy in the past few days getting ready for finals coming up in the next week. A couple of days ago I ordered a poster from Etsy with the lyrics of Birdy’s song “Skinny Love”. I absolutely love this song! Oscar Daniel Dubstep Remix is probably the best remix I have heard in a long time. The poster sits right next to my bed and it looks so good!
The elephant is a Roget I worked on in art class last week, called a Batik. You draw a design on cotton fabric then you outline the design in wax. Dye is then used to color the design. Most designs I have found are natural scenes. I had a lot of fun making this project.
I love writing in my diary because it’s not really a diary. I can paint water colors, create collages, sketch drawing, write my feelings, anything. I’m not good at writing daily paragraph after paragraph. I would rather draw my thoughts. I encourage everyone of finding a way of getting thoughts out. My brain runs and runs and runs and putting my thoughts on paper helps me to sleep and get them out.
Who out there has a diary?
XX Corinne